Open Source

Transparent, often free to use, closed source mostly equivalent, even superior, strong community.

These are, for example, reasons why is based on open source and is also published as such. However, open source can only be sustainable/future-proof if, among other things, the players and services provided are recognized/appreciated/rewarded accordingly. Even if open source products can be used commercially free of charge under appropriate licenses, for example, every user of open source products is called upon to take this into account and act accordingly.

The EU also offers/supports open source, e.g. via NGI (next generation internet) to support sovereignty, trust and European values. Open source, non-profit and commerce are not contradictory, but can complement each other perfectly. However, this requires (responsible) people with the appropriate knowledge and drive.

Open source has enormous current and future (developer) potential. Furthermore, open source is not just software, but also hardware. Both in combination with enable further customized standards. Although these initially only apply within, they are globally valid/effective for all members. Regardless of active or passive membership.

Current quasi-monopolists cannot resist the power of the masses: It is obvious that open source counterparts, which not only adhere to basic human rules but have internalized them, are significantly more popular and are used accordingly. This applies to passive and active (fee-paying) members and sincere politics.

For example, Google as the current search engine emperor: directly disempowered. This is because Google has no power whatsoever within the construct, as due to its previous behavior, Google will certainly not become a (standard) search provider within! Google is by no means the only search engine. There are alternative providers that also take compliance with the required basic/minimum human values for granted and implement them accordingly. If a correspondingly large proportion of people use the new digital universal platform, Google, initially as the current search engine giant, will have been googled out. This not only affects a wide variety of monetary revenues, but also:



Every single one of both points: Immeasurably valuable! The scenario described applies to all companies, institutions, etc. that are not compatible with the community. Because nobody can escape the power of a mass of like-minded people bundled under

Among other things, this is ensured by the unique combination of basic human values, politics, economics and science, combined with profitable trade that benefits the common good and not just a few. Of course, companies should and must generate profits, even high profits. But they must do so on a human level.
